Хобби, Ремесла - скачать книги или читать онлайн. Страница 42

Купить книгу Резное дерево, автора Виктора Федоровича Себина
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Резное дерево
Эксклюзивные, не имеющие повторов, работы (авторский дизайн и методика) из свежесрезанного дерева (не высушенного), абсолютно ручная работа (без применения механизмов). Дерево спиливается вручную (двуручной пилой). Моменты обработки и шлифовки изделия сочетаются с этапами высыхания древесины.
Купить книгу Мой подводный мир, автора Юрия Беркова
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Мой подводный мир
Книга предназначена для любителей подводной экзотики, инженеров-конструкторов подводной техники для спасания и судоподъёма с больших глубин, транспортировки грузов под водой. В книге представлены разработки автора и перспективы дальнейшего развития этих направлений.Технические идеи в ней сопровождаются увлекательными рассказами из жизни водолазов-дайверов в недалёком будущем.Книга может быть полезна студентам технических вузов, профессиональным водолазам-спасателям и дайверам.
Купить книгу Пишем книгу за 100 дней. Книга – практический пошаговый курс, автора Зарины Судоргиной
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Пишем книгу за 100 дней. Книга – практический пошаговый курс
Эта книга – настоящий пошаговый курс. Вы пройдете незабываемый путь от задумки до готовой книги.Если вы мечтаете написать книгу, читайте ее, и все получится.Если вы начинающий писатель, журналист, пиар-специалист, блогер, то научитесь писать ярко, интересно! Абсолютно особенно: по-своему.Посмотрите оглавление и убедитесь в том, что книга повысит уровень вашего мастерства в разы.И главное – через 100 дней вы обязательно получите свой 100% результат!В книге есть бонусы и контакты автора.
Купить книгу Мой прекрасный сад №01/2019, автора
Мой прекрасный сад №01/2019
«Мой прекрасный сад» – российское издание самого популярного в Европе журнала по декоративному садоводству для садоводов-любителей и владельцев загородных домов, дач и вилл. Центральные темы издания – планировка и оформление сада, ландшафтный дизайн и садовые стили, оптимальный выбор растений и уход за ними, сезонные практические советы садоводам. Большое внимание уделяется в журнале и комнатным растениям, которые используются для оформления жилых и офисных помещений, зимних садов, террас и балконов. Журнал «Мой прекрасный сад» – профессиональный и доброжелательный советчик для тех, кто стремится жить в гармонии с природой. В каждом номере – 16-страничное приложение «Наша дача».
Купить книгу The Healing Land: A Kalahari Journey, автора Rupert  Isaacson
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The Healing Land: A Kalahari Journey
A brilliantly written exploration – part travel writing, part personal quest – of Africa’s oldest and most famous populationThe Bushmen have long been mythologised and are firmly entrenched in the Western mind. But what is it about hunter-gatherers that is so attractive us, and why do we need these myths? Fascinated by this disappearing population, Rupert Isaacson has been venturing into the Kalahari since he was a child and his book is a search for this truth about the Bushmen through Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. Part travel writing, part history of the Bushmen, part personal quest, it will record what he finds there, the landscapes he travels through, the wildlife he hunted and ate, the characters, corruption and confusion of a people who have wrenched themselves out of the Stone Age (it wasn’t until 1948 that it became illegal to kill Bushmen) into a cash economy over the past ten years.
Купить книгу On the Shores of the Mediterranean, автора
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On the Shores of the Mediterranean
Купить книгу Old Man on a Bike, автора
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Old Man on a Bike
Купить книгу Motel Nirvana, автора Melanie  McGrath
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Motel Nirvana
Купить книгу Is Shane MacGowan Still Alive?, автора Tim  Bradford
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Is Shane MacGowan Still Alive?
Купить книгу Hard, Soft and Wet, автора Melanie  McGrath
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Hard, Soft and Wet
First published in 1997 and now available as an ebook.Who are the digital generation? They are the millions of youngsters who live with, and love, the technology with which they are growing up. This is their story. Tomorrow belongs to them.‘This is the book which opens up the electronic frontier to those still left out in the cold, the one McLuhan would have written were he to be still surfing the Nineties’ Arena. ‘At once a romance, a cultural commentary, and a piece of travel writing which adds the virtual world to its itinerary as though it were a new place on the map. ‘ Sadie Plant, The TimesNot another book about youth culture, nor cyberpunks, hackers and VR; not a computing manual; not the history of technology; but a book about the first generation of people to take the information age for granted.A personal portrait of the Wired Generation, exploring the dreams, ambitions, aesthetics and assumptions of all the kids growing up digital, worldwide.In these days of video games, PCs, multimedia and personal stereos, it’s all too easy for the sensitive kids to disappear into worlds of their own, and it happens so quickly – one birthday they’re chirpy and sociable, the next they stay home to watch Robocop for the thirty-seventh time or play Mortal Kombat yet again.
Купить книгу On The Couch, автора
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On The Couch
Couchsurfing? Surely a sofa would sink on the open sea?Couchsurfing is a global community of over a million people in 232 countries that offers couches, beds and body-sized horizontal surfaces via the internet for fellow members to bunk down on for the night.Couchsurfing is everywhere, from Kazakhstan, where there are124 empty couches for the daring traveller, to Antartica where 30 cold couches are available. It's free, it's friendly and it's the new way to travel.Fleur Britten, Sunday Times features writer is about to lose her couchsurfing virginity. Starting out in Moscow and taking the Trans-Siberian Railway with a couple of stops in Siberia and Ulan Ude, she'll then fly to Beijing and travel through China, crossing into Kazakhstan, followed by Ubekistan. Finding couches in the unlikeliest of places finally arriving back in London to play host to other couchsurfers.With the promise of 'couch available' rarely entailing a couch alone, with stories of meals, unofficial local tours and a family-like welcome, she will explore the unique couchsurfing community and so-called 'couchsurfing spirit'. What motivates people to invite strangers to sleep on their sofas? How is it possible to couchsurf and stay safe and what is it that is it that has made couchsurfing such a phenomenon? This is an adventure of kindness that will lead Fleur to meet the most unusual people and visit the most unexpected places.Combined with revealing, candid images this promises to be much, much more than your average travelogue.
Купить книгу Love and War in the Apennines, автора
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Love and War in the Apennines
Hailed as Newby's 'masterpiece', ‘Love and War in the Apennines’ is the gripping real-life story of Newby's imprisonment and escape from an Italian prison camp during World War II.After the Italian Armistice of 1943, Eric Newby escaped from the prison camp in which he'd been held for a year. He evaded the German army by hiding in the caves and forests of Fontanellato, in Italy's Po Valley. Against this picturesque backdrop, he was sheltered for three months by an informal network of Italian peasants, who fed, supported and nursed him, before his eventual recapture.‘Love and War in the Apennines’ is Newby's tribute to the selfless and courageous people who were to be his saviours and companions during this troubled time and of their bleak and unchanging way of life. Of the cast of idiosyncratic characters, most notable was the beautiful local girl on a bike who would teach him the language, and eventually help him escape; two years later they were married and would spend the rest of their lives as co-adventurers. Part travelogue, part escape story and part romance, this is a mesmerising account of wisdom, courage, humour and adventure, and tells the story of the early life of a man who would become one of Britain's best-loved literary adventurers.